Tuesday, January 13, 2009

hello again

I honestly have no idea what I'm gonna post about this...
month I guess.
how long has it been since I posted? idk..
I'm to lazy to look.

go to any awesome parties?
I did.
it was fantastic.

oh yeah, I completely forgot to ask last time I posted...
for those of you who like Twilight.
what did you all think of Breaking Dawn?
I'm not going to express my thoughts on it until everyone else does. because I feel I shouldn't say anything considering almost every I've talked to has either loved or hated it so far.
oh yeah, thoughts on the movie?

what's going on with me you might ask?
lots of really sweetly awesome stuff...
*rolls eyes*
yeah ok, some of it is good. not everything is horrible.
most things with me lately have been pretty neutral.

comment people. get ur butts on here more!
if people would get on here more, I'd most def post more.


8 Ways that we express ourselves to the world:

Wildfire.♥ said...

Well personally it wasn't the best one.. I kind of didn't like it..

Ink said...

Breaking Dawn?
yeah, same here.
I didn't really like it at all.

thx for commenting! =D


deltay said...

The movie (Twilight) I thought was pretty decently done, all things considered. Definitely better than I'd expected (but then again, I'd expected it to be horrible/not get my hopes up just incase it was a flop ;)

becca[you dazzle me] said...

lol new years
that is a long time
anyways e-mail me

Ghostie said...

Didn't do anything for New Years, and I just couldn't read Breaking Dawn... I can't stand Twilight books anymore.
I don't get on here often because you never post!

Ink said...

I totally know how you feel Courtney! it ruined the whole series for me! I don't hardly even like talking about it anymore because I always think of the horrible ending it had!

and oh I'm sorry! I just honestly can't think of anything good to post about anymore.


turnabout said...

hey there.

it's kat (remember me? :P)...
i don't know if this is going to post under my new name or not, but if it does i wanted you to be able to tell it was me and not some creeper who's just randomly talking to you.
how are you?
I just got back on for the first time in what feels like forever and i wanted to see how you were.
I'm writing on a new blog now, (kind of) but it's more chaotic ramblings. like my inner monologue turned poetic (slightly). I wouldn't really bother with it if I were you, just don't want you wasting time checking out the old blog very often, because those updates will be few and far between.
anyways... that was a lot more than I was planning on saying.

hope you're doing good.

missed you.

Ink said...

oh hi Kat!
I've missed you too!

I'm doing pretty good lately, nothing to really complain about.

oh I would love to check out your blog!
Its not a "waste of time" either.
I can't wait to read some of your more slightly poetic stuff.

I'm sorry it took me so long to respond!
I hardly ever get on here.