Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Flood.

Summer has been quite an adventure for me.
its been loaded with all sorts of new drama and new friends, and all that good stuff.

I fairly recently got back from that music festival that I go to every year. and I must say... it was pretty much amazing. kinda cold tho sadly.
I finally saw Family Force 5 in concert, they were sooooo good! I had a frikkin' party while they were on stage.
I also got to meet them, which was really funny. they're awesome guys. very quick.
it was a really good time all around, I hung out with one of my best guy friends ever, and we had a really good time. although... I am kinda bruised from the mosh pit... =D
I got some really sveet t-shirts. and finally one of Children 18:3 that I've wanted for a year now. so I'm completely thrilled with that.

how has everyone here in the blogging world's summer been so far?

oh, Coraline just came out on DVD in case you guys didn't already know. sadly, I still haven't seen it. the stupid redbox around here didn't have it in yet. I was really disappointed.
did anyone read that book yet?


Sunday, May 24, 2009

End of school... and button eyes?

So we're all almost at the end of the school year, and I'm honestly... super relieved, but at the same time unsure how to feel.
Last summer was REALLY suckish for me, or at least most of it. one really good thing ended up coming out of it.
but idk, I guess I'm really unsure as to what to expect with this summer.
I AM going to that music festival for the third year running tho, so that should be amaaaazing.
especially since Children 18:3 and Relient K are going to be there. =D

some of you probably figured out from my title... that I also wanted to talk about Coraline.
I just read the book a couple days ago, and I HIGHLY recommend it.
the writer is very good, and just the book itself is completely and utterly creepy. but fascinating at the same time.
Coraline's character is really great, but the cat was my favorite.
and I will never look at buttons the same way again. or marbles.
so if any of you have read it, comment please! tell me what you thought of it.
and for those of you who haven't, if you get the spare time... read it! tell me what you think.


Saturday, April 25, 2009

so it looks like...

I've posted two months in a row now!
that's an improvement for me.
I'm getting slightly better at updating my blog people. =D

so I decided that I'm just going to randomly talk about little things that have been going on with me in the past month or so.

well one of the best bands ever, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, came to around where I live.
and I was SO ready to go, and me and like three of my best guy friends were all planning on going....
but then one of them had this army thing, another one's rents had an issue with the band, and last one was in another state.
so that sucked for me. I didn't even go.
and I was so sad too, because the Red Jumpsuit singer is my all time favorite!
but whatever, I got over it.

ummm I got my hair cut. it used to be long or it was last year at this time.
but now its super amazing.
the back is REALLY short, and I spike it, and the front is longer, about 3/4 of the way down my neck, which is significantly longer than the back.
I also have bangs, and the color is... brunette, almost.

oh lets see... ummm... today I had two of my guy friends over, we shot stuff on the wii, and I threw a gummy bear at one of their heads and it bounced off.
his facial expression was hilarious. its like he couldn't believe that I actually threw a gummy bear at his forehead.

anyways, there you go everyone! I finally went on a real ramble!


Friday, March 27, 2009

oHHH LoOk! Ink dEcIdeD tO PoSSSt!!

heyyy anyone who actually checks my blog out every now and again!!

for those of you who still get on blogger, I'm sorry that I never post anymore!
honestly, I'm on other sites, and it slips my mind most of the time that I still have a blog to post on.
(sad, I know)

so there hasn't been a lot going on with me, just trying to get through the school year.
and I'm TOTALLY excited about summer, I have a feeling its gonna be better then it was last year for me.

I'm debating on if I'm going to take this blog down or not...
I prolly won't, but idk I just never get on here anymore. its just been kinda sitting here begging to be updated.
what do you guys think?
I most likely won't because it was probably the first internet blog type thing that I ever started.

anyyways, how is everyone on here doing??


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

hello again

I honestly have no idea what I'm gonna post about this...
month I guess.
how long has it been since I posted? idk..
I'm to lazy to look.

go to any awesome parties?
I did.
it was fantastic.

oh yeah, I completely forgot to ask last time I posted...
for those of you who like Twilight.
what did you all think of Breaking Dawn?
I'm not going to express my thoughts on it until everyone else does. because I feel I shouldn't say anything considering almost every I've talked to has either loved or hated it so far.
oh yeah, thoughts on the movie?

what's going on with me you might ask?
lots of really sweetly awesome stuff...
*rolls eyes*
yeah ok, some of it is good. not everything is horrible.
most things with me lately have been pretty neutral.

comment people. get ur butts on here more!
if people would get on here more, I'd most def post more.
