Friday, August 31, 2007


I'm calling this post "post" because I'm not creative enough to think of anything better.

Anyways, who else is sad that monday is like the official end of summer?
My gosh, that depresses me.
I don't want summer to end yet! I'm not done with it! I'll never will be...
Hee hee.
I don't know about you guys, but I had a rocking summer. I saw my fav band (along with about a million others) live, and had the time of my life doing it with my best friend. Along with our dumb guy friends.
I've made new friends, hooked up with the old, discovered the Twilight series, and so much more.
I'm just not really ready for it to end yet.

Plus, that means that I won't be able to talk to you guys as much!! Sad! : *(

Sorry that I sound like such a loser right now, I just wanted to get the "Its-almost-time-for-school" blues off my chest.


Thursday, August 30, 2007


Here's a Family Guy vid that one of my friends sent me.
I piratically DIED with laughter!!!!

This includes Bill Clinton. I don't want to start a political war on here.
This is purely for laughs.


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

To all my Uglies fans.

I found this out a couple months ago from my awesome friend Becca[you dazzle me].
Whom, by the way, I'm giving all the credit to in finding this.

There is actually going to be another Uglies book.
Its called Extras (as you can see in the pic above).
I'm excited for it because I thought that Uglies was a trilogy, and for those of you who have read all of them should know that with the end of Specials, it really did make it sound like the end.
Well, Extras isn't about Tally.
Its about another person entirely. Which makes me sad because I love Tally and her peoples.
Here's a little Barnes & Noble thinger on it.

It's a few years after rebel Tally Youngblood took down the uglies/pretties/specials regime. Without those strict roles and rules, the world is in a complete cultural renaissance. "Tech-heads" flaunt their latest gadgets, "kickers" spread gossip and trends, and "surge monkeys" are hooked on extreme plastic surgery. And it's all monitored on a bazillion different cameras. The world is like a gigantic game of American Idol. Whoever is getting the most buzz gets the most votes. Popularity rules.
As if being fifteen doesn't suck enough, Aya Fuse's rank of 451,369 is so low, she's a total nobody. An extra. But Aya doesn't care; she just wants to lie low with her drone, Moggle. And maybe kick a good story for herself.
Then Aya meets a clique of girls who pull crazy tricks, yet are deeply secretive of it. Aya wants desperately to kick their story, to show everyone how intensely cool the Sly Girls are. But doing so would propel her out of extra-land and into the world of fame, celebrity...and extreme danger. A world she's not prepared for.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007


The pain is GONE!!
Although I still have to take meds for another week, I can now go out and have fun!!

Thanks again to everyone who wished me to get well soon and that cares so much!!


Saturday, August 25, 2007


According to the doctor that I went to see today, I have scarlet fever.
For those of you who don't know what scarlet fever is, its basically strep throat with a rash all over in random places on the body.
Yeah, its nasty.

But the good thing is I'm on meds, so is most of the rest of my fam, and I won't be contagious in 24 hours. And I'll be feeling a lot better (hopefully) in about two days!!

Thanks for all the get well things guys! It means a lot to me!!!!!!


Frosted mini wheats.

As you all know I'm sick. But what you don't know is that I have a KILLER sore throat. I haven't been able to eat a lot of good food, saltines, water, frozen beverages, and pudding.
I would eat good food... if it didn't hurt so bad.

Anyways, the reason for the name of this post, Frosted Mini Wheats (the original kind, not the kind in the above picture), is because that's what I want more then anything else in the world right now.
But I can't have them, because of my stupid freaking sickness.

And yet they sit in my pantry tempting me.
I think that soon I'm going to break down and just eat them...
But as of this point I'm sitting here at my computer with a half eaten chocolate pudding sitting next to me.
Oh, the sorrow.


Friday, August 24, 2007


I just wanted to tell everyone that I'm not going to be on as often as I normally am.
I pretty sick, so sorry everyone.


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Do you like?

My new page header pic... do you guys like it?
Or should I stick with Relient K?
That pic is HUGE.

In case you are wondering why I keep changing things up on here, its because I want to find a look for my blog that I LOVE.
: D
And I'm still looking too...

Tell me what cha' think!!


Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I wish I were in a book. Everything would be written out for me and I wouldn't have to worry about my destiny.
All I would have to do is be in the book.

Anyone else with me?


Red Juppsuit Apparatus

I love this song. I thought I'd put the lyrics on here.
I've feeling like this a little lately.

I'm not trying to sound all high and mighty either. There's just a lot of parts in this song that I can relate to at this time in my life.

I added it as a page element too. I like it a lot...

"Seventeen Ain't So Sweet"

Well she never was the best
Yeah at following the trends
Stayed one step above the rest
And even though it seemed

Like the world was crashing on her
Didn't let it hold her down
Didn't hold her back oh no

Don't worry you'll show them

There's a fire in your eyes
And I hope you'll let it burn
There's a scream in your voice
And I hope you will be heard
There's a fire in your eyes
And I hope you'll let it burn
Until you're heard, you're heard

Seventeen is just a test
Yeah and I would recommend
That you live with no regrets
And even if it seems

Like the world is crashing on you
You shouldn't let it hold you down
Shouldn't hold you back oh no, woah oh

Don't worry you'll show them


Relax girl, turn down the lights
No one can see you shining
Relax girl, it'll be alright
No one can stop you if you try

Point of rhythm is to follow it in time
To listen to the beating in your mind
Remember if you seek then you shall find
Woah oh

[Chorus x2]
...until you're heard...



Its been raining, and raining, and raining over here.
I love the rain and stuff, but this is a lot of it. I'm getting a little sick of it.
It is cool when the thunder cracks really loudly, It makes me think of Twilight. Then I want to go out and play baseball with the Cullens. The only problem is that I'm not a vampire so I'd have to sit on the sidelines with Bella. It would still be really cool to watch vampires play baseball in the rain.
Vampires running lightning fast, you're sitting there trying to see what's going on but you have Esme there explaining it all to you so you don't really need to watch.
But you can't help but do just that.
And feeling totally safe even though you are amongst creatures that could kill you before you blink.
That would be a thrill.


Monday, August 20, 2007

Another new avatar.

I might change it back to Gir... but I really love Jacob Black so I wanted an avatar that involved him. What do you guys think?
Or Jake?

I won't be offended in the slighest bit whichever one you choose, just let me know which one you guys like better.
: D


I'M BACK!!... but not for long...

So, the trip to my grandparents was okay. Not really super awesomely fun, but not REALLY boring either.

Now I'm back. I just don't know how long though.
My mom is going to probably disconnect the computers because we're having problems in out basement.
If she does I don't know how long it'll be.
But I'm glad to be back and talking to my peoples again!!

I missed all of you!!!


Thursday, August 16, 2007


I'm going to be out all weekend. I'm going to a fam reunion.
I'll try and get on when I can.



Wednesday, August 15, 2007


(above) I love her!!
I LOVE him too!
Titanic moment.
Oh, my gosh that is cute.

I went to Stardust with Lith today.
There was romance, fantasy, adventure, epic battle scenes.
It was GREAT.
Go to this movie.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I'm going to ask another question!

I just asked a friend of mine the same question. So I thought I'd ask you peoples also.
What is your fav older disney movie?

I personally love Beauty and the Beast with all my heart.
But I want to hear what ones you peoples love!


Monday, August 13, 2007

Toby mac anyone?

I got the newest Toby Mac CD for my b-day from a friend... I was just wondering if anyone else in my little land of bloggers liked him?
I think that he totally owns. (With the exception of Relient K owning all of course.)
You guys should have seen him in concert! He was AMAZING. Over all his was the most entertaining performance of all the other bands (other then Newsboys).
He had great dancers, and singers, and the lights were AMAZING.
His ending song was SO AWESOME.
It was dark outside, and they had the light show going on, everyone in front of the stage was going nuts crowd surfing, and smacking beach balls around, and jumping.
And then Toby Mac, towards the end of his last song, starts to belt out the chorus to Jesus Freak.
The whole crowd went INSANE.
It was so wicked awesome.
I was in back by all the tarps and lawn chairs, and I ran as fast as I could up to the front of everything and started screaming and jumping.
It was such a rush!


Saturday, August 11, 2007


I was woken up at 6:30 am this morning because of this monster storm. I was SO MAD.
I was reading to late... and messing around with friends... so it didn't make me happy that I got up like four hours before I normally do.
But then again I fell back asleep eventually... but it still made me mad!!!

Anyways, I'd like to say thank you to all the people who took the time to say happy birthday to me!! It means a lot to me!!


Friday, August 10, 2007


I got Switchfoot's CD Oh Gravity today!! I'm having some flash backs of my music festival I went too...
I wish I was still partying.
: (

Oh, yeah. today's my birthday. That's why I got it.


Thursday, August 9, 2007


The only thing about great books, is that you never want to stop reading them.
Therefore you get reading headaches.
Which is bad if you want to read more.


I got it!

I got Eclipse!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to go and read now! Bye my peoples!


Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Eclipse is out!

Eclipse (The third book in the Twilight series if you don't know) was released yesterday!!

I would like to ask my fellow Twilight peoples not to give away any spoilers, I don't have it yet.
I'll be getting it soon though, then I would love to discuss it with you guys!


Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I got a new avatar!

Check out my profile! ITS GIR!!
I might change it again though, I'm very indecisive.

Tell me what you think. If you liked the other one better or not and all that.
I have another one that I'll show you guys after you've all seen Gir...


Why is the lemonade always gone?

I went to run around and get some stuff with my mom today, we hit up a store because we were out of mustard (yes mustard). So I went to one of the pop machine's out in front of the store, there were three of them.
I was looking for my most fav drink EVER...
And not one of the pop machines there had it in stock.
I got mad and went back to my car. So then me and my mom drive over to kwick trip. I run in and... THERE'S NO FREAKING LEMONADE.
So my mom suggests that we check out one of the pop machines by a local pizza place, so I do and... of course... the was lemonade in it.
The last place that I check has it.
Ahhh... just my luck. At least I got the lemonade right?


Oh, the randomness of it all!

I have a weird question for you peoples... what is the best flavor of Lays potato chips?
I love all of them... almost...


Monday, August 6, 2007


Do you ever have one of those days where you know that its not going to be all that great?
Or you know that there's a challenge coming for you or something?
Well, today is one of those days for me.
I don't like it.
I just have this feeling that today isn't going to be all that great. Maybe it will be, but I just have that feeling in the pit of my stomach that somethings not right about today.

And no Lith this has nothing to do with you at all.

Anyways, I just felt like posting this.



Sunday, August 5, 2007


Relient K on the right...

Hawk Nelson on the left...


Saturday, August 4, 2007

Hello blogger peoples!! Question time!

I need some help. I don't know if I want the pic on the title blog thinger to be Relient K or Hawk Nelson.
Its like picking between chocolate ice cream or mint... for me at least.
I like hearing what other people have to say, so could you guys help me out?



Jason OWNS!!!

Who likes Hawk Nelson? I'm listening to them right now, and I love them!
I was just wondering if any of my other blogger friends liked the.
If you don't then I'll beat you with a fish.
: D


Friday, August 3, 2007


I HATE MY COMPUTER. Its probably like THE SLOWEST THING EVER. And its supposed to be DSL! This is NOT FREAKING DSL. AAAAAHHHH!!!! *breaking stuff*

AND I'm not going to see Hot Rod today. My mom doesn't think that its appropriate for me.
I REALLY wanted to see that movie too! Today is just a really bad day for me so far...

*phew* Just needed to get that out...


Wednesday, August 1, 2007


I was out today at this group thing. I was just sitting in my chair and one of my guy friends gets up and walks over to me and fakes this sneeze right in my face. The sneeze sounded like*PPPPFFFFEEEEWWWW!!!*
I had spit all over my face and he says,
"Oh, sorry. I didn't see you there." With this smug little smile on his face.
Lith was sitting next to me and she was laughing her head off.
I looked up at him and said,
"Yeah. I'm sorry that my face just got in your way." His guy friend was laughing at my little comment, when he (the guy who fake sneezed on me) smiles and says,
"Yeah its okay."
And walks off.
It was completely and totally random.
Then again, this guy is like the perfect picture of all randomness...

So to get to the point of the name of this post...
Why do guys always do the most random stuff in the world to ME all the time?
I don't get why I'm always the victim here! Its dang funny, and I love it, but still, its never Lith or anyone else that's with me.
Its always me.
I asked Lith today the same question and she just told me that I'm just like that or something.
In other words I'm fun to pick on.

I've had guys spit on me, sneeze on me, smell me, try to force feed me doughuts, practically launch me to the moon on swings, try to make me sniff their energy drinks (you know who you are), pick me up in the air (numerous times)...
And so many other things.
I find it to be totally great too.
