Friday, March 27, 2009

oHHH LoOk! Ink dEcIdeD tO PoSSSt!!

heyyy anyone who actually checks my blog out every now and again!!

for those of you who still get on blogger, I'm sorry that I never post anymore!
honestly, I'm on other sites, and it slips my mind most of the time that I still have a blog to post on.
(sad, I know)

so there hasn't been a lot going on with me, just trying to get through the school year.
and I'm TOTALLY excited about summer, I have a feeling its gonna be better then it was last year for me.

I'm debating on if I'm going to take this blog down or not...
I prolly won't, but idk I just never get on here anymore. its just been kinda sitting here begging to be updated.
what do you guys think?
I most likely won't because it was probably the first internet blog type thing that I ever started.

anyyways, how is everyone on here doing??


7 Ways that we express ourselves to the world:

Ghostie said...

I'm kind of dreading this summer. I don't think it's going to be any more interesting than last, probably less so. But I hope you have a really fun summer!
And don't take down this blog...! :D

Ink said...

Oh don't dread it!
it might be amazing! you don't know for sure that its gonna be uninteresting.

and ok I won't take it down. =]

so how have you been lately?


turnabout said...

hey inky,
hope you're doing well.
just wanted to let you know that i did start a different blog and i pretty much only update on this site now:
so if you ever want to catch up with me, that's probably going to be your safest bet.
it's not really anything that legit, just some ramblings.

don't take the blog down, if only for because it was your start. plus, it would probably make keeping up with you harder which would make me dreadfully sad ;)

what has you so excited for the summer? any big plans?

Ink said...

ok I'll go and check out your new bloggg soon!
thanks for letting me know. =]

and ok I won't take it down.

ohh I'm going to Colorado with tons of my friends, and I'm also going to a huge music festival, and there's just lots of good stuff going on for me this summer. =]

what about you? have any exciting plans?


Just another face in the crowd said...


Ink said...

how have you been??


turnabout said...

Aha, sorry it took me so long to respond to your comment on my blogo. I'm a mind reader am I? =P But no, I'm glad you understand how I feel, I know it's pretty common but it's (well 'he's') just been driving me crazy lately. I really don't want to like him...but... well I guess you know where I'm going with that one.

Anyways, your summer plans sound fun! I don't really know... I might be going to camp, hopefully getting a job, might be visiting my brother, might be going to Seattle, it all depends... at this point I'm still really not pinned down to any one thing.

How are you?