Friday, June 29, 2007


I need some chocolate! And comfort!

Sorry about this. I'm just having a bad... everything.


Kristen's blog!

I have yet another blog... well, two blogs for you guys to check out.
Kristen9's first blog is basically a really sweet blog about her life and how she's going to get a book published and all that.
Her other blog is one where she posts the actual story that she's going to get published.
Its freaking awesome.
Well, they both are.
Shes (Kristen) is a really sweet person who's fun to talk to! : D
So all to all you peoples who actually read my little blog, please check hers out when you get a chance!


Thursday, June 28, 2007

Hello again peoples!

So, one of my bestest friends ever (Yes Lith. Your one of those too.) just made a blog today.
I want you all to check it out if you can because she's a great chick. Even though she says that she's all "Normal" and all that, she's so much better then normal!
Again she just started today, so there's one post at this point, but comment anyway! I know she'll love that!

Here's the link:


Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Okay, all you peoples who read the MR series. I didn't know that INTEX was for real. It sounded familiar to me, but I didn't know that it was an actual company.
My family just got a giant INTEX pool. It weirded me out so bad.
Sure I noticed it before with other peoples pools and had my little geek out moments. But actually owning one is really weird.
I know that its just a pool and its not going to kill me, or have some secret thing in it that's programmed to kill all the people who are with MR (Okay, that would be cool.) Its just a pool and I know that.
Its just a little weird to think that they used an actual company for the book.
Also that one of their products is looming in my lawn right now is a little freaky.

I also freaked out when I went to Wal-mart for the first time after reading MR1. I went to the meat section with my mom and saw about two or three whitecoats there. I had a little spaz-out moment there too.
It was actually pretty funny.

I just hope that I'm not the only one with an insane imagination out there.


Monday, June 25, 2007

I changed my title to: I changed my title because guys appreciate chocolate and ice cream too.

Why does chocolate make everything seem a little more bearable?
I mean really! Its like magic or something! I had a really bad night yesterday, and Lith game me a bunch of chocolate and it made things seem a tiny bit better.
Why does it do that?
Or ice cream too! That stuff is alsmost as good as chocolate! Wow. I'm so grateful for chocolate... and ice cream.


Thursday, June 21, 2007

Lith's new blog!

Lith just made a new blog all about her own stories! She's a very awesome writer, and I strongly suggest that you peoples check it out and tell her what you think!!!!


Hello again everyone!

I just checked out the MR website and its back! Go check it out all you MR lovers!


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Hello. Oh, a real post!

I've just been putting pictures up haven't I?
Hmm... well, I guess that I'll make this a real post then!

Ummm... okay, so I'm a little excited about Transformers this july so is my mom. She's a little psycho about it, but that's just my mom for ya. ; )
I think that (from what I've seen from the commercials) its very clever how they Transformers well, transform. Its not just like BAM! We're in robot form! It shows the quick process that its takes to actually make it into that form. I like that a lot.

My youth pastor is completely psyched about it.
He's got Optimus Prime as the back round of his deskcop, and has a couple action figures in his office too.
It was so funny seeing him when we all piled into his office to watch the trailer he was freaking out!
Going, "OH MY GOSH! Hold me!" the look on his face was great.

Anyways, I guess that this post was also just as pointless as my other ones, I just hope that you peoples liked it. : D


Monday, June 18, 2007

Just a filler...

I messed up a post and so decided to stick this picture that Lith sent me on here...
Just wanted to add this quick note, the reason I like this pic so much is because it reminds me of all my guy friends and my brothers. I love it!


OMG!!! FANG!!!!

Lith sent this to me and she and I totally think this dude totally looks like FANG!!!!


Hey everyone!

One of my on-line friends Cloud, has a blog site where he's writing a sweet story that I want you peoples to check out!! He likes getting feedback so tell him what you think!
Here's the link!

This hiperlink is also in my places to check out list on the right.
He also has a couple other blog sites that are sweet to so just go his profile and check them out!!


Sunday, June 17, 2007


I made another blog site!
Its basically just me posting anime pictures, I got a web-site from Lith and found a BUNCH of cute pictures!!


Hee, hee.

Lith, found this pic for me a while back. I LOVE it.


Saturday, June 16, 2007

Oh my gosh!!!

I also thought that this picture was pretty funny too. I'm sort of a Hellogoodbye fan so yeah I saw this and thought that it was pretty... yeah.


For all you Kingdom Hearts lovers...

I found this to be pretty funny. Sora and Riku are playing Kingdom Hearts!!!!!!


Thursday, June 14, 2007


We made it!!! We've got 5million!! YAY!! MR movie here we come!!


We're going to get it!!!

We're now at about 5million 900 thousand for the MR (maximum ride) movie!!! Its going to happen!! Help with the last little bit peoples! Go to:

And click for the movie!!


Smash Bro's time!

My brother wanted me to ask all you peoples who you like best in smash Bros? You know? Super Smash brothers? Yeah, He thinks that Fox is the best... I like Kirby best though.
What do you peoples think?
I know who you like best Lith so don't even say it.
I know this is really geeky and all but I really like knowing who you all like best and hearing what you have to say on my dumb little posts.


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Sonic or Tails?

This post is about this little thing going on with me and a friend.
He says that Sonic (from the game yeah, the blue one) is better then Tails.
I personally think that Tails is the cutest thing EVER and is WAY better then Sonic. I just find Sonic sort of annoying and uglyish.
That's right, I put in on a blog you person-who-said-that-tails-was-fat. ; )
So anyways to sort of settle this who do you peoples think is better? Sonic or Tails?
*cough, cough, TAILS*


Monday, June 11, 2007

A smallish post.

I'm going to start off this post in saying that its going to be short. I just thought that you peoples would think that this story is funny.

A couple days ago me and a bunch of our neighbor kids were getting everyone together to play kick ball. So we were walking to this one chicks house and it was raining... hard so we all looked like drenched rats walking around the neighborhood, we were all joking around saying stuff like,
"We look like a gang or something!"
"Oops, I forgot my switchblade at home!"
Being stupid like that. Then we see this car coming down the road so we all pull to the side and someone who was ahead of me says,
"Its a cop car"
We all freaked out and started laughing a little bit.
It was an actual cop car too. And guess what?...
They pulled over to talk to us.
Dang, that was funny.
The cop driving unrolls his window and asks in a amused tone,
"What are you kids doing out in the rain?"
The cop next to him was sort of smiling too. So I say,
"Nothing... walking around"
Then one of the other neighbor dudes says,
"We're actually going to play kickball"
Cop dude says, "Oh, well, I'd better get out of your field then" And kind of smiles and drives off.
Just when the cop was barely out of earshot the same dude that told the cop that we were playing kickball says,
"We don't have drugs!!!"
Everyone bursts out laughing in a no-freaking-way tone.
Anyways, I thought that was pretty funny...
Hmm... I guess this post wasn't as short as I thought it would be.


Saturday, June 9, 2007

Titanic pictures.

(above: "I have to go row with the other slaves now")
I found these just a minute ago and wanted to stick them on here.
I'm a sucker for Titanic. I LOVE the one on the top!!! AWWWWWW!!!!


Big, hairy, and trapped under the couch.

So a couple days ago my sibs found a huge, hairy, insanely NASTY spider in our basement.
It was the BIGGEST spider I've EVER SEEN.
I was at a grad party today and my brother gave his friend the spider, who was at the party along with the spider in its jar. When this kid starts to show off and takes the top off it in the basement.
I freak out a little but thankfully it was still in the jar.
At that point at least.
I don't know how but this thing gets out and manages to get on the floor and crawls under their massive couch. And I'm not one for spiders so I was freaking out.
We told my older brother and this dude that was playing guitar hero with, who were sitting on there, that it was under there.
So the dude that was playing with my brother jumps up out of his spot with the guitar still in hand and says,
"Dude I HATE spiders. Where is it?"
I thought that was pretty funny because this guy is like 16 or 17ish. It was funny seeing him freak out a little like that.
So we get the dude who party it was, the dude who let out the spider (moron), my brother and the guy who's scared of spiders all lifted it the couch up to look under.
The nasty thing was sticking to the top of it as they lifted it.
I was ewwing the whole time and expressed how I felt towards the guy who let it out.
They finally get it and everyone relaxes.

It was so scary though! I can't stand the big spiders so when it got out in the same room as me I totally freaked out. Yuck.


Friday, June 8, 2007

Dude? Pull up your pants much?

Okay, to all you guys (if any) who read this and are into having your pants down past your butt that are basically ready to fall around your ankles... I'm sorry but I just have to make a post on this little thing that went down.

So, I was eating at a fast food parking lot (we went to the drive through) this afternoon and me my mom and my sister were all eating when this dude pulls up.
He was extremely cute, so he walks out of his car and flips out his cell... and...
his pants were so stinking low I'm not kidding you they were just barely below his butt. Seriously below the butt level!! Hanging on by what means I don't know. Don't get me wrong I love low rise jeans and all that jazz, but my gosh people.
So me and my mom were trying to stifle our laughter and not stare at him. So this dude is pacing around the parking lot on his cell, my mom had her head turned away and asks,
"How low are they?"
So I look over and right in that moment his back was facing me and he bends down. So slightly shocked little me says
"Uhh... pretty low"
I saw a lot of boxers in that moment.
It was better then briefs. *shivers*
Me and my mom made fun of his pants for a while then he went inside and we were still shocked. About 10 minutes later he walks out right when I'm taking a mouthful of water in and I laugh and almost snort it all out my nose. But I couldn't help it!! It was just... funny.

So to you dudes out there... pull up your pants a little if not then I say boxers. NOT BRIEFS.


Thursday, June 7, 2007


Ooohh, me and my great timing.
I sprained my toe yesterday playing kickball, smart little me played barefooted.
Yeah. I'm not stupid or anything, I just don't really like wearing my shoes when I'm playing running type games I'm better barefooted. : O
So now I'm walking on the right side of my right foot all the time, and its getting brused.
It doesn't help that I also have bruses from last night (I was comlpetely covered in saran wrap... long story. All I can say is that I'm never doing that again).
Anyways, I'm just writing this because I'm pretty bored. BYE!!


You need to check out this blog too!

You small amount of peoples that actually read my little blog need to check out my net friends blog to her name is: Becca[you dazzle me].
Its really great, she has this sweet story that she's writing, and a lot of cool poems, and needs a couple suggestions on some stuff from you peoples!

P.s. Becca, I hope you don't mind my doing this. If so then tell me and I can take it off. : D

Monday, June 4, 2007

The red button game!

This is SO FUNNY!! Just keep clicking the red button. Even when it multiplies FIND IT. It gets better and better...

This just really makes me laugh!! I hope you guys like it! : D


Sunday, June 3, 2007


I'm tired. I was up late last night with Lith, and got up early this morning.
So basically you could say that I'm not a happy camper.
More like a tired camper.
Anyone else out there feel like they could drop to the floor and stay there for a couple days?
Jeez, its time for a nap.



Saturday, June 2, 2007


Me and my friend, Lith, have a sweet blog that I want you peoples to check out!!
Some of you might already have because its in my profile... but still, we recently updated it so...

Here's the link!!


Friday, June 1, 2007

Alright, now here are my thoughts on Pirates 3.

For those of you who haven't seen POTC3 (Pirates 3) and want to might not want to read this post.
Its going to be a major spoiler.

Ok, so I thought that it was a little long... and that Will shouldn't have become the new Davy Jones, that was really retarded. And the whole Calipso (sorry to all you spelling peoples out there. I just don't know how to spell that... its a little funky) thing was also dumb.
Really dumb.
But I LOVED Barbossa and thought that the fight scenes were wicked sweet. Also the wedding was really cool. But having another one would be taking it a little far.
Have any of you peoples who have seen it noticed, in that little ending scene, that nither Will or Elizibeth age a single day?
That bothered me a little bit. That's crap.

Anyways, I hope that not all of you are as negative as me about this.
But I would still love to hear your thoughts on this. : D



I'M FINALLY OUT OF SCHOOL!!!!!!! Jeez, I thought that it would never END!!! Who else will share in my triumph?!

*snickering* I'm such a dork!!
