Tuesday, July 31, 2007

How long?!

I got up really early (for me) this morning, and now it feels like its been FOREVER.
Its only almost 11pm right now... but still.
I hate it when days drag by. I like it when things are fast paced, so when things move slow I get all antsy.
Does anyone else feel like that sometimes? Jeez, I'm the only one aren't I?

Oh, there's also someone living in my c-box. Mr. Mister is his name.
I find that to be really funny to for some reason...
He also need pillows. So please send him some!



Monday, July 30, 2007


I really need something to do. I was thinking I might go and watch a movie or go play KH2 or something... but I'm not sure I want to do that considering how my computer is UNLOCKED RIGHT NOW. I'm just going to waste my time on here until its up.

Sorry about this pointless and boring post.
See ya!


Saturday, July 28, 2007


The third book in one of the best series I have read is coming out AUGUST 7TH!!!
I got a little review of it on a site and here it is:

Readers captivated by Twilight and New Moon will eagerly devour Eclipse, the much anticipated third book in Stephenie Meyer's riveting vampire love saga. As Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge, Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob --- knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the ageless struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her graduation quickly approaching, Bella has one more decision to make: life or death. But which is which?

I CAN'T WAIT!!! If any of you haven't read the first two, I strongly encourage you to do so!
They are very good books!!


Friday, July 27, 2007

Elfgirl564 has a new blog!!!

Check it out!!!



Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Elfgirl564, is BACK!!! Go check out her blog-o!! There have been updates! Its in my places to check out thinger on the side... the right side... there you go!!


Sunday, July 22, 2007

Wing's blogs!

I forgot to post this! I also met another cool chick in blog world!
She is SO COOL!!!!!

Check out her blogs!!
(her original blog)
Her picture blog... that ROCKS.

And her story blog!!


Saturday, July 21, 2007

Krizz's blog!

I met another cool person in blog land, and his name is Krizz. Check out his blog!! Its awesome!!

Here's the link:



Friday, July 20, 2007

Kutless... and my water bottle.

Kutless. A very good band, I heard them for the first time (almost) last week... while they were on stage. I loved them!!
Anyways, about the water bottle...

I was standing in line with Lith for the Kutless signing thing. And I realized that... I didn't have anything for them to sign.
So I looked at what I had on me, and I thought.
Wouldn't it be kinda weird if I asked them to sign my Relient K shirt?
That was all I had that was worth signing at the time.
I then realized that I had a half full water bottle with me the whole time. Just one of those cheap bottles that you could get out of a coca-cola machine. So I thought,
What the heck? I don't have anything better to sign, so why not my water bottle?
There were people handing out little posters of the band, but by the time I knew that, I had already decided to get my water bottle signed.
So I told Lith that I was going to get it signed and she thought that it was pretty dang funny that I was doing that.
We finally get up to the signing table and I actually got it signed by Kutless. The lead singer (whatever his name is... the blond one with the short hair) kinda laughed as he signed it. The other dudes just chatted to me about the weather and how I was doing.
They were nice dudes.

So that's how I got my water bottle signed by Kutless.

Its pretty wicked awesome.


Monday, July 16, 2007

Here I am once again.

I'm just wondering if anyone out there who reads my blog knows about any of these bands:
Hawk Nelson
Relient K
Jeremy Camp
Toby Mac
House of Heroes

Just wondering. I saw them all live, so if you have heard of them then share the joy of how good they are with me!


Sunday, July 15, 2007


Well, as you all can read, I'm back!!!
I was at a music festival thing for a while there. Me and Lith and my brother and his two guy friends all went together...
It was....
THE BEST THREE DAYS OF MY LIIIIIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I saw my most fav band EVER live, and all the other bands that I liked were there too!!!! I had other peoples sweat all over me, and backwash, and I had one of my brother's friends fall on me while he was crowd surfing... then I also got kicked in the head from someone else who was crowd surfing.
It was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
Then I got a water bottle signed by one of the bands, and I threw lemonade at one of my brothers (and also my) friends.
Then I got dizzy a couple times from lack of food, and it was hard to stand up straight.
I also got REALLY MAD at someone for doing something to me, and was considering doing very evil things to them wile they were sleeping...
Anyways, I'll post more about it later!! Dinner time!!



Thursday, July 12, 2007


I'm leaving in a half hour, so I won't to be able to reply to all the comments left on here...
I'll miss all you peoples though!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A little Ink free time.

I'm not going to be here from Thursday to Sunday this week. I'm going on a sort of vacation... I don't know if my room is going to have internet access or not, if so then I'll try and talk to you guys.
: D
So to all you peoples who actually read my blog-o you are all going to have, as the title says, a little Ink free time.


Monday, July 9, 2007


Oh. My. Gosh.
I saw Transformers on Thursday... It was...
SSSSOOOOO GOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was totally freaking out the whole time!!!!!!!!!! I was with Lith and another one of her friends, and it was so funny! I'm a little bit of a nerd about this stuff, I don't know a lot about it or anything, but I used to watch the little cartoon when I was a kid. So the movie sort of brought back some memory's.
Anyways, I was sitting there and going
"Oh my gosh!! Its Optimus Prime!!!" Totally geeking out the first time I saw him transform in the movie.
The action sequences were GREAT, and so was the story line. Also the transforming of the Transformers themselves was totally great. Also I loved Sam (the main character in the movie) I used to always watch Even Stevens (I still love that show.) so having him in there was pretty awesome.
I highly recommend this movie, it was the best movie that I've seen all summer.
For those of you who saw it, tell me what cha' thought!

As you all probably know, Bumblebee was one of my favs in the movie. He is SO COOL!


Thursday, July 5, 2007


Well, as you all can go and see for yourselves, I got my profile fixed! Or rather my mom did.
She knows everything about this on-line stuff... I'm just a newbie, so I asked for her help.
She (of course) fixed it.
Now I'm happy!! : D

Thank you again peoples for helping me!!! : D : D


Wednesday, July 4, 2007

What the heck?!

I just looked at my profile and saw what Just Another Face in the Crowd and Max Ride Fan 13 were talking about.
I seriously don't know what happened to it. My blog is still here (obviously) but its not showing up in my profile.
I didn't do anything to change it, so I don't know what happened. If this has ever happened to anyone out there that reads this, could you please tell me what's going on?
I'll try to figure it out soon, but help would be appreciated.



Hello again everyone! Sorry I wasn't able to get on for a couple days... there were some... complications.
But I'm back!

Has anyone seen Transformers yet???? I'm going to see it tomorrow, and was wondering what my fellow nerds thought of it?
It looks SO FREAKING GOOD. But I want to hear what my people thought of it!
