Saturday, May 26, 2007

You could die... choking on a mint.

Have any of you peoples ever seen Stranger then Fiction? Well, me and a friend decided to go to it one week. So, we were sitting there eating popcorn and then that one scene where that little old guy was talking to Will Farrel about how he didn't have to die just because the crazy lady writing his book said he did came on. And my friend had been laughing with one of those life savers mints in her mouth and started chocking on the dang thing, about three days before. Anyways, so the guy says "You could die... getting hit by a car... or... by choking on a mint." (sorry to all the people who know what that line really was. I don't remember it very well) We were both totally shocked at the sheer irony of that, so we looked over at each other and...
Burst out laughing.
It was just SO DANG FUNNY!
That just goes to show why I named this blog "My mostly ironic, but also funny life".


4 Ways that we express ourselves to the world:

Unknown said...

omg's... i remember... O

Ink said...

Me too. Obviously.


Unknown said...

its hard to forget things enlodged in your throat...

Ink said...

Hee, hee. Yes I would think so!
