Tuesday, October 23, 2007


As you probably read on my other blog, I've had the Spongebob song FUN stuck in my head for the majority of the day.
For what reason, I have no idea.
And now I have a Rocket Summer song stuck in my head which, no offense to all my fellow Spongebob lovers, is better then the FUN song.

So, anyways, I'm going to a party this weekend. Its one of my best friends and her sisters birthday party.
It should be fun... and interesting.
You all know how parties can get. Sometimes they're fun, sometimes they're really fun, sometimes they're dramatic.
I'm thinking that its probably going to be fun...
But still, you never know with people.

I'm also looking to get a job sometime soon.
So that I can buy an i-pod nano, because my current MP4... thing. Is breaking apart at the seams.
And also, the main reason I want a job...
Is so that I can have enough money to go to that music festival (the one that I went to this year) next year.
So yeah, I get to apply everywhere... how fun is THAT going to be?
Hopefully, I won't end up with supposedly the crappiest job in town. But with me and my luck, that just might happen.
So anyways, there ya have it.
A pretty accurate update on what's going on with me, Ink.
Goodnight to all!


16 Ways that we express ourselves to the world:

elfgirl564 said...

good luck. call me on thursday ok?

Ink said...

I will! Promise!

So how are you today?


elfgirl564 said...

OK. MY MOM IS(stupid caps lock!!) cranky and its making me cranky.

turnabout said...

have fun

Ink said...

Elfy, don't be cranky!

Kat, thanks.
But I'm not sure any of that will be "Fun"


Just another face in the crowd said...

Now I have the FUN song in my head...

Ink said...

Get it out quick!


elfgirl564 said...

ok. i wont! XD

Ink said...



Just another face in the crowd said...

I'm trying! I'm trying!

Ink said...

Is it working???


Max Ride Fan 13 said...

Good luck with looking for a job. I'm too young to look for a job so everything is provided by my parents. ^_^ Oh and i hate Spongebob squarepants!!! I don't see the point in a sponge living underwater. Maybe you should work at McDonalds or something!!! You can eat there during your lunch break! Did you know that the chicken meat that is served in McDonalds is not really chicken meat? It's actually chicken fats and other stuff. YUCK!!!! GROSS!!!! I'm never eating chicken at McDonalds ever again!!

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

The Graduation Party isn't until 2 weeks or so but i do hope i have fun!!

becca[you dazzle me] said...

ahh you won't get the crappest job, and i am going to a party tonight, let's see i have to go and get my cos. with anna at 11 then at 2 to 4 i have horse lessons then right after i mean literally RIGHT after i have to go to kimmy's bday/halloween party it is going to be great fun

Ink said...

MRF13, Yeah, I got an application today... but I can't officially start until febuary...
At least there's a job out there right?

And EW. Now I'm never going to eat a McChicken again.

Ooo! Have fun!


Ink said...

Becca, OOOOO! Sounds like you have a full day ahead of you!
Have fun!
