Monday, July 9, 2007


Oh. My. Gosh.
I saw Transformers on Thursday... It was...
SSSSOOOOO GOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was totally freaking out the whole time!!!!!!!!!! I was with Lith and another one of her friends, and it was so funny! I'm a little bit of a nerd about this stuff, I don't know a lot about it or anything, but I used to watch the little cartoon when I was a kid. So the movie sort of brought back some memory's.
Anyways, I was sitting there and going
"Oh my gosh!! Its Optimus Prime!!!" Totally geeking out the first time I saw him transform in the movie.
The action sequences were GREAT, and so was the story line. Also the transforming of the Transformers themselves was totally great. Also I loved Sam (the main character in the movie) I used to always watch Even Stevens (I still love that show.) so having him in there was pretty awesome.
I highly recommend this movie, it was the best movie that I've seen all summer.
For those of you who saw it, tell me what cha' thought!

As you all probably know, Bumblebee was one of my favs in the movie. He is SO COOL!


10 Ways that we express ourselves to the world:

aka Red said...

hahaha i saw that movie friday! i absolutely loved it! it was amazing! hahaha...random yet not so random story: after the movie my friends and i were getting dropped off at my friends dance studio and while we were driving we saw this big car that looked just like one of the ones in the movie, when we saw it we all said "transformers!" in unison and started cracking up.

Ink said...


Oh my gosh!! That's great!! I would have laughed my head off too!!!!

Me ands Lith and her friend all went to her house afterwards and played guitar hero 1 and 2 for like 4 hours after that!
It was fun in the sun!!


Just another face in the crowd said...

*meep* I saw it yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!! It was really good! but I didn't like the girl she wore like nothing! but I really liked it ^_^

Ink said...

I loved it too!!

I really didn't like the chick either. She was so a model type. Like she would stay with Sam for more then a week before going back to her other boyfriend.


Joat said...

I never saw it, but I must say I would like to...

Especially since one of my characters (P16 the white mouse) met Sunstreaker in a chat RP. Yes, strange things happen in that chatroom. But I digress.

Ink said...

You have to see it!!!

Strange things do happen in chat rooms...


Just another face in the crowd said...

That is soo true!

Ink said...

; D


becca[you dazzle me] said...

ahem, what about happy potter that was amazing saw it twice already, two nights in a row actually. i want to see this movie though, i will have to get peoples together and go see it!

Ink said...

I haven't seen it... so I can't post about it!
