Monday, September 17, 2007


Here's a little side note to the Titanic pic to the left that I forgot to add in the other post about it,
That is the saddest part in the movie.
Its the part where Jack is telling Rose not to give up,
"You aren't going to die here, not tonight. You're going to make it Rose. You're going to get married, and make lots of babies, and die an old lady w-warm in your bed." (or something very close to that)
And while Jack says that, you know that he knows that he's going to die that night.
But his last thing that he did in his life was make sure that the woman he loved wouldn't give up over him.

I'm sorry I'm so dramatic about this. Its my fav movie, and one of the only things that I get this dramatic about.


9 Ways that we express ourselves to the world:

wings said...

I LOVE Titanic!!!
It's great!!
very very sad

but it's great!!!

How're you doing?

Ink said...

I know me too!!

Good, you?


becca[you dazzle me] said...

it was so good but so sad, and i think that when that person gets back to school i will try to talk to him

turnabout said...

wow. just wow

Ink said...

Becca: I think you should too!

Kat: Wow what?


turnabout said...

the movie was good, but i felt like i was gunna barf half the time. they were so lovey-dovey. *gag* i perfer gore or violence. although that could just be my brother's influence on me....hmmmm... i wonder...

Ink said...

I normally prefer violence too... but this movie really got to me.
Its like the BEST MOVIE EVER.


elfgirl564 said...

that reminds me, i need to see some war movies. i havent seen any blood and gore in months. ink, this word verification is getting very unimaginative, it repeated several letters and it was in a font i could read. tsk tsk, sleeping on the job, it is.

Ink said...

I know its annoying.

Hey, my computer is going to lock in 3 minutes.
Call me. I'm not a happy camper.
