Wednesday, August 1, 2007


I was out today at this group thing. I was just sitting in my chair and one of my guy friends gets up and walks over to me and fakes this sneeze right in my face. The sneeze sounded like*PPPPFFFFEEEEWWWW!!!*
I had spit all over my face and he says,
"Oh, sorry. I didn't see you there." With this smug little smile on his face.
Lith was sitting next to me and she was laughing her head off.
I looked up at him and said,
"Yeah. I'm sorry that my face just got in your way." His guy friend was laughing at my little comment, when he (the guy who fake sneezed on me) smiles and says,
"Yeah its okay."
And walks off.
It was completely and totally random.
Then again, this guy is like the perfect picture of all randomness...

So to get to the point of the name of this post...
Why do guys always do the most random stuff in the world to ME all the time?
I don't get why I'm always the victim here! Its dang funny, and I love it, but still, its never Lith or anyone else that's with me.
Its always me.
I asked Lith today the same question and she just told me that I'm just like that or something.
In other words I'm fun to pick on.

I've had guys spit on me, sneeze on me, smell me, try to force feed me doughuts, practically launch me to the moon on swings, try to make me sniff their energy drinks (you know who you are), pick me up in the air (numerous times)...
And so many other things.
I find it to be totally great too.


24 Ways that we express ourselves to the world:

Just another face in the crowd said...

Hehe you find it totally great? hahah lol :D
I bet they like you ^_^

Ink said...

I do! Its so fun!

I don't think any of them like me like THAT. But as a friend yes.
: D


Tenacious said...

At least thery not zombies with chainsaws

Ink said...

That is a good thing.


Unknown said...

she's so pickable though!! and oh my gosh, it was the funniest thing on earth!!! just POOF! and there's spit all over her face! it was a blast...

continuing, ink, guys pick on you, cause they know you'll think up wonderful witty come backs that will make them, or other people laugh. that's why darling. they know you're competition of their smartness.

if that all made sense... you're a genius. but you're probably used to it.


Ink said...

Awwweee! Thank you Lith! I did get it... and I am used to it...


Unknown said...

you should... how long have you listened to me blabber on, and half understood me?? to finaly know what i'm talking about...

Ink said...

I don't know like... forever. I'm used to Lith talk by now.


Unknown said...

you should... how long have you listened to me blabber on, and half understood me?? to finaly know what i'm talking about...

Unknown said...

whoops! i repeated that...

Ink said...

Its okay!

Yes, I have finally learned the ways of Lith-talk.


Unknown said...

i wonder if any one else has figured out the ways... hooooo oohhh..

Ink said...

I do not know Lith... I just do not know.


Unknown said...

frankly, i would be astounded and amazed.

Just another face in the crowd said...

Hehhe okay :D

Ink said...

Me too.
: O


becca[you dazzle me] said...

hahaha, sorry it is a little funny but it is because you are so sweet like if someone did that to me i would be like what the FREK and they probably wouldn't do it but it doesn't help that they probably all think you are all so CUTE!!

Ink said...

Thanks Becca. I really don't think that any of them like me though...
but yes, it is fun!


Anonymous said...

flirting, as a guy I can tell U that when we do these things its just nervous flirting trying to break the ice by doing something stupid or funny, U should enjoy the attention;)

-wolf boy

becca[you dazzle me] said...

who knows maybe your a real PLAYER!! hehehe just messing with you. but i know that you are a real CATCH!!

Ink said...

Wolf Boy, I do! Its just some of the stuff is really... weird sometimes...
In a good way though!
: D


Ink said...

Becca, Who knows? Maybe I'm not!
; D



WingedChild said...

Seriously u just described my life. My best friend is a guy (Matt) and the other is Jordan and they love to push me around and stuff and annoy/make fun of me. I love it. its hystarical! I fight with Jordan all the time. He's like my older brother. Just the other day he pushed me so I smacked him, so he kicked me and hurt his foot so I went in to hit him and he grabbed my arms so i bit him on the wrist and u can still see the mark! hahhaha! o good times :)


Ink said...

WingedChild, I know!! Its SO FREAKING FUN!!

Just last week I told one of my good guy friends not to pick me up (he does that a lot because I'm a short tiny person) and he did so I elbowed him in the stomach when he put me down.
It was funny!
