Saturday, June 9, 2007

Big, hairy, and trapped under the couch.

So a couple days ago my sibs found a huge, hairy, insanely NASTY spider in our basement.
It was the BIGGEST spider I've EVER SEEN.
I was at a grad party today and my brother gave his friend the spider, who was at the party along with the spider in its jar. When this kid starts to show off and takes the top off it in the basement.
I freak out a little but thankfully it was still in the jar.
At that point at least.
I don't know how but this thing gets out and manages to get on the floor and crawls under their massive couch. And I'm not one for spiders so I was freaking out.
We told my older brother and this dude that was playing guitar hero with, who were sitting on there, that it was under there.
So the dude that was playing with my brother jumps up out of his spot with the guitar still in hand and says,
"Dude I HATE spiders. Where is it?"
I thought that was pretty funny because this guy is like 16 or 17ish. It was funny seeing him freak out a little like that.
So we get the dude who party it was, the dude who let out the spider (moron), my brother and the guy who's scared of spiders all lifted it the couch up to look under.
The nasty thing was sticking to the top of it as they lifted it.
I was ewwing the whole time and expressed how I felt towards the guy who let it out.
They finally get it and everyone relaxes.

It was so scary though! I can't stand the big spiders so when it got out in the same room as me I totally freaked out. Yuck.


55 Ways that we express ourselves to the world:

becca[you dazzle me] said...

that is so gross! i would have freaked a little my oldest sisters ex boyfriend hated i mean hated spiders and he would flip if he saw one! and my friend anna would to my god it is the funniest thing ever!!

my biggest fears are the dummies people use to talk like the chukie doll man those are scary

Ink said...

It was!!! It freaked me out SO BAD.
One of my other guy friends HATES spiders and is totally afraid of heights. Seriously he won't even climb on top of a swing set for me that's like 6ft in the air.

Eww, Chuckie.
I don't have a really huge fear of anything, maybe sharks but that's it.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

well i can't be afarid of heights riding horses and all but i got to go someone is freaking out about something here i talk to you more later

Ink said...

Okay, later it is!!


becca[you dazzle me] said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
s u u s h i x said...

Hahaha, poor spider, did it get squished??

I think it woulda freaked me out quite a bit too.... D:

Ink said...

s u u s h i x, No It didn't get squished.
I wish that it did though. I HATE that thing!

Well, I did.


Ink said...

Becca, its okay about the sis thing! I might be getting off soon too because I might go play kickball while I can!!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

yeah well she doesn't think so she got pretty mad but she will forget after awhile

Ink said...

I like the whole forgetting thing.
My sibs don't really forget anything... but I guess that'll be good when they get older in one way or another.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

so you're the oldest? but jeez you should have saw her about three hours again, now talk about scary!! she was pissed at my dad but she is okay now

Ink said...

No. I have an older brother, and three younger sibs.
Yeah, full house.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

well lets see i have two older bros and 1 older sis and a twin sis im the forgotten youngest but really im not that young

Ink said...

Are you the twin? Or your sibs are twins? GTG talk to you tomorrow!!


Katiebabyangel said...

i hate spiders. and jaws. the shark... let me say, that thing scared the crap out of three year old me.

and i laugh at horror movies. me and my mom watch them and make fun of them. there's an art to it.

Ink said...

Emochick, I've never seen Jaws... I'm not one for sharks so I guess that's a good thing.

I don't watch a lot of horror flicks, I've seen a couple but I'm more into action.
Have you seen The Village? I thought that movie was weird, stupid AND weird. The ending really bothered me Ivy was all like "I'm here" or whatever and it ended. You don't even know if what's-his-face died or lived!! Rip off artists.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

i am, but we don't look alike

Ink said...

Oooh, COOL!!! I didn't know that! Sweet.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

yeah sometimes, but it is okay being a twin and all

Unknown said...

ooh! fun! big hairy spiders! that's just one big, hairy, happy party favor right there people!

do you know what i just realized?
there are no freaking squirrels in Virgina.


Ink said...

Becca, I wouldn't know... I'm not a twin! : D


Ink said...

Lith, yes it was totally "fun".

For real? That is SO WEIRD.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

well i know that but being a twin has it's disadvantages like sharing one room, her knowing everything that is going on with me at school, not like i am doing anything bad but some privacy would be nice but in a family of 6 or whatever it is kind of impossible to be alone for a few hours at least

Ink said...

I know what you mean! I have a fam of 7 (including parents) and its hard to get like 5 minutes without someone screaming, or following you!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

i know it is really hard just to be alone, when i got max. 3 i had to move like 5 times just so i could read in peace... jeez i can't stand it sometimes so i am thankful for when i hang out with my friends at there houses i get out of mine for a while and it is what gets me through the week, now talking to you is helping tons too

Ink said...

Same here. Its SO GOOD to get out and just hang out with friends, its also just as great to talk to you! Its gives me a little more sanity.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

yeah, i know, i mean sometimes it is so hard to talk to people that hear my crap all the time and i never know if they just want to gut me right there and then you want to talk about it but no one really wants to listen

Ink said...

I feel like that to sometimes. I'm not so sure that the person I'm dumping all my crap on really cares or just wants to ditch me. Its so hard to tell.

Okay, I'm going to dump something on you right now if you don't mind...
The guy that I like is going to Mexico tomorrow for like a week... I'm so worried too! He's so smart mouthed and quick witted I'm afraid that he's going to get the wrong person mad at the wrong time. I know that I shouldn't be worried and all that crap and that he's smarter then that... but still Mexico is a long way from here...


becca[you dazzle me] said...

yeah i know how you feel besides the guy i like doesn't talk at all, but i know how you feel about him going away, cause anna is going to be gone for a week in the mts. somewhere making a house, and i am going to miss her : ( but yeah don't worry i am sure he will keep to himself, maybe i really don't know him but knowing that most people are likely to go to another country and piss people off i am sure he will be fine, and i don't mind if you vent it is totally fine

Ink said...

He's the type of funny, comic, just wants to have fun type. And totally sassy quick witted and all that.
I know that he's going to be fine and all but still... MEXICO. That's a long way from where I live...

Thanks for putting up with me again.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

like i said no problem you listen me complain all the time, i really don't care it gives us somthing to talk about and really i don't mind helping, that is what friends do, and anywho sounds like a keeper you got

; )

Ink said...

Yes! I'm always here for you to dump things on. Like you said, that's what friends are for!!

I know!! He's SO SWEET!! He can be a total fart sometimes but so can I... I'm going to miss him SO MUCH!! I bet he's in a plane right now, which isn't good because he's afraid of heights...


becca[you dazzle me] said...

aww, that is sweet of you! i mean you are so worried about him, sounds like you really like this guy, i have only really known that i liked his one guy but after we had this weird little thing, it was us being like best friends for a week and then he asked me out but i can't go out with anyone until a certain age so well i didn't say no, but like a day after he asked me out or w/e he broke it off with me to ask out another girl, therefore it has been really weird seeing him we just kind of stopped being friends and i just really don't care for him anymore, but it's not like i hate him or anything but it was pretty sad, anywho but really i am sure your guy is thinking about you to get over his fears!

Ink said...

I do care about him a lot.

I'm not trying to be really mean or rude or anything... but... this guy sounds like a retard by doing that to you. I mean really! Gosh I just want to scream at him and knock his face in. He was an idiot for letting you go. That just means that there's someone a million times better for you out there! He doesn't sound like someone you want to spend the rest of your life
Same here, I can't date until a certain age either... so me and this dude are just really good friends at this point.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

yeah well my certain age is coming up very soon, and that wasn't rude at all i really thank you for it. i really don't care for him at all, actually he is going out with the girl he broke up with me for, and this is like there third time trying and i swear it is like they hate each other, my friend R. is friends with them both so they were there last night and he and her wouldn't get next to each other i think it is funny!

plus i really think that he is thinking about you right now too

Ink said...

There's someone better out there! Do you still like this guy or another one?

I don't know if he is or not. I'm SO MAD because someone told me that there's a blog site and there's pictures of everyone with the kids over there and I CAN'T FIND IT. I really want to see a picture of him to just give some reassurance that he's okay. It makes me a little nervous not knowing if he's okay or not.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

i don't like the stupid guy, i like someone different

and i am sure he is fine and i am sure he is thinking about you and i am sure you are going to find the blog site

Ink said...

Okay good. : D

I did find it... I just can't figure it out! I have to download a bunch of pictures or something and ugh... it just makes me mad to type about it.


Ink said...

I FIGURED IT OUT!!! I saw him in there... a little. There isn't a really good shot of him but he's in there!
I'm so glad that he's okay!!
Total relief!!
Or at least for the time being...


becca[you dazzle me] said...

i am sure he will be fine, i am sure he isn't stupid enough to get into a fight or anything like that, and yay! good job!

Ink said...

He might be... I just never know with him...

Well, thank you!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

i am sure he is fine, he doesn't want to make you scared i am sure so he won't get into any trouble, and you're very welcome!

Ink said...

I know he will be!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

see nothing to worry about! : D

Ink said...

I hope not!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

and now he is coming back soon so you know is going to be there safe and sound and you get to hang with him! :)

Ink said...

I hope I can. I'm happy yet again because there was a pic of him on the site with his WHOLE FACE!!!!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

YAY!! that is good! see he is fine

Ink said...

He's a dirty little...


becca[you dazzle me] said...



Ink said...




becca[you dazzle me] said...

he is a dirty little rat that isn't good enough for you that i know for sure!


Ink said...

Thank you!! To bad I still like him huh?



becca[you dazzle me] said...

yeah well i know how you feel boys just don't understand


Ink said...

I don't either! They're simple yet, VERY confusing.
