Thursday, June 7, 2007


Ooohh, me and my great timing.
I sprained my toe yesterday playing kickball, smart little me played barefooted.
Yeah. I'm not stupid or anything, I just don't really like wearing my shoes when I'm playing running type games I'm better barefooted. : O
So now I'm walking on the right side of my right foot all the time, and its getting brused.
It doesn't help that I also have bruses from last night (I was comlpetely covered in saran wrap... long story. All I can say is that I'm never doing that again).
Anyways, I'm just writing this because I'm pretty bored. BYE!!


60 Ways that we express ourselves to the world:

becca[you dazzle me] said...

aww that stinks and seren wrap... right... i am sorry about your toe i do that to playing bare foot is so much fun!

Unknown said...

i leave, and this is what happens to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
geeze, do i have to baby sit you?!
get better!

Ink said...

It is!!
I love doing everything I can barefooted!


Ink said...

I have to baby sit you! OMG, could you just call me ASAP?


s u u s h i x said...

Haha, thank you!!

I looked at all your fav books, and surprise, I FRIGGIN LOVE THEM ALL.

Well, except for the Uglies because I need to read it. My friends are all buggin me for that.

Ouch, that bruise must hurt.

Awesome blog by the way. Love the background, and I love your style of writing!! You can totally see your voice it in.

Ink said...

Really?! OMG!! I like a ton more too, but I've read so many that its hard to keep up with them all!!

You really do need to read them! They OWN.

It does. I just keep finding more, and more...

Well, thank you!! I like yours too! I like how you don't really care what people say you put what you want on your blog! And your personality is way cool from what I can tell too!! : D


becca[you dazzle me] said...

barefoot is so much more natural

Ink said...

And faster!!!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

very true, especially if you are wearing high-tops,or flip-flops, or vans, or any other type of shoes i own besides my cleats cause they are amazing!

Ink said...

I need cleats. I was just thinking about that the other day...
I know! Its so hard for me to play with flip flops!! I always ditch them when playing a game, and I don't care if I'll have to scrub my feet later because I'm a little competitive likt that.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

lol well i know they work pretty well but when it is just like friends and no big i'd go barefoot!!

Ink said...

I made a point like a half hour ago with a neighbor kid that barefooted running is better.
I was playing kickball again... and no I didn't hurt my foot. I was just a catcher.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

nice that always works

Ink said...

It does.
OMG!! Okay, something really funny also happened today! I'll put it up in a post after I'm done replying to all these comments (which I love to do!!)!!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

same here i love talking to you, and i am really really werid cause i watching get ready for this, chicken run

Ink said...

Your doing what now?
Sorry I missed that. If your weird then so am I!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

watching the movie chicken run

it is a clay movie thing it is pretty stupid at least i think so

Ink said...

Ooh, yeah I've seen that one.
I don't like those clay movies, they freak me out a little.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

lol, yeah they are a little scary... my dog just made me jump three feet into the air it was silent then he barked so loud, i screamed and jumped! i am in shock! lol

Ink said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Really? I would have liked to see that! : D


becca[you dazzle me] said...

it was not funny it was very scary! oh my friend made me go to this website and i was trying to find the differences between these two pictures and i was getting into it then all a sudden this devil thing pops up and scares the crap out of me!!! i was ready to beat her up

Ink said...

Oooh, I've seen some of those things!
That's mean!! ; )


becca[you dazzle me] said...

yeah that scared me so bad but she had it worse she was over that another friends outside at night and she screamed so loud the neighbors came out to look what happened

Ink said...

Really? Woah, that must have been pretty loud!!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

i am not sure but yeah she was really loud! i guess i know she can scream loud though, don't tickle her from behind it gets loud

Ink said...

People always do that to me! The whole tickling from behind thing.
I always jump about three feet in the air too!!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

the only person that tickles me alot is anna she doesn't do it from behind she just does it when we are in band waiting to leave. once in band class we could sit where ever and my friend TJ and anna sat on each side of me and they tickled me and i was laughing really hard and i was lie crunched up and kicked my mouth piece so i broke my reed "wood thing for the mouth piece kind of very important but i had more so it is okay)

Ink said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Wow. That sounds SO FUNNY!!! I'm not saying this in a jerkish tone either. It sounded fun!!
Mostly Lith, her brother and my friend (the one who was there when I was covered in saran wrap) tickle me.
And its also only when I don't expect it. THEN I jump... big time.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

haha, that is funny, not in a mean tone, anna thinks it is fun to come up behind me, and cause i am tall she can do this pretty well, jams her knees into the back of mine to make me fall, i am getting good at catching myself or locking my knees before she can : )

Ink said...

That's always good to know that you have SOME defense in that kind of stuff. ; )

Ooh, my head hurts, time for some advil.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

i wish i could take advil, i can't shallow pills yeah laugh laugh super funny, but anyways i usually just ride them through

Ink said...

Its okay! I just started taking pills last year... it still sucks and is still a little hard for me.
So I don't think that its funny I would never laugh at you over something like that.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

they laugh at me about everything, i can't say hospital right or cinnamon and they, well anna has gotten over it but kim thinks it is the funniest thing, but when she can't say something she laughs at herself anyways

Ink said...

My friends mostly make fun of my height. I'm not that tall but I'm not THAT short either, its just that I hang out with people that are taller then me. Anyways they're always like "Your so short" or as Lith would say "Your so tiny!" I'm totally used to it coming from two of my main friends... but when random people come up to me and say it to my face that's when I get ticked.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

this is going to sound really mean but one of my friends are like a midget and well we call her that but it is true, but we still love her and i know she kills anyone that isn't somewhat close to her saying that, and i can understand sort of where you are coming from besides i am the tallest in my group and i just have one other friend that is like the same height as me everyone else is kind of shorter but i never really get made fun of being tall anymore so i don't care

Ink said...

I'm really not that short. I'm like 5"2 or 5"3 but its just that I hang out with people that are taller then me and all that... I don't know, I guess I'm sort of used to it by now.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

that is not short well, i am 5 8 but my friends are all pretty much your height, question this is going to be weird but what do you think i look like? or have you never really thought about that?

Ink said...

I've never really given serious thought to it. To me it doesn't matter what people look like as long as they care and really like hanging out with me. Why?


becca[you dazzle me] said...

i dk just wondering, another weird question how old do you think i am, i mean i care how old people i talk to or anything stupid i just ask strange questions cause i am strange as you can tell ohh i am so freaking tired!

Ink said...

I'm guessing 16ish around there.

I'm tired too!! *yawn!*


becca[you dazzle me] said...

very very very very very close

sorry it is just my sister needed some comfort, i really don't know

Ink said...

Close enough for me!

What's going on with your sister?


becca[you dazzle me] said...

nothing she is just a worry-wort, she worries way to much

Ink said...

My little sis does too. She worries to much and I think things over to much.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

i kinda just try to go with the flow, try is the keyword, i am the person always thinking neg. yeah but i can;t explain how i really worry it is like, oh that is nice i won't be able to do this cause you are doing that at the same time cool! i am very scar. sometimes

Ink said...

I try to also. Its just so hard for me sometimes because my mom says that I have a lot of street smarts and just common sense, so when I point out what's obvious to me but not so much to other people... you know what I mean? I'm not trying to sound all like I'm-so-much-better-then-everyone
its just that sometimes I see things as simple where as other people complicate things...
Ahh, I give up trying to explain this!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

no i totally get it. sometimes i do that too or sometimes i am the total opposite. ok so me and friends were renting a movie and one of the is like lets watch virgin suicides, and i was talking to her about it cause she had already saw it, so i was like oh it was sad for when the kids came downstairs and saw that all the girls killed themselves. and my friend that didn't see it was like wow way to ruin the movie! and so i felt really bad then a couple days after i was thinking about it and i like wait a second the title says suicides, so i go up to her last night and tell her she started laughing like no other and they were so amazed that i didn't catch that

so sometimes it is like the most obvious thing and i get it when my friends don't or something like that above happens

Ink said...

I miss things sometimes too.
For me its more like someone is fighting with another person about something that's not that hard to figure out. So I'm standing there trying to tell them a simple and painless soultion and they just don't grasp what I'm saying or something and keep going at it.
You know?


becca[you dazzle me] said...

yeah i do that a lot to besides i am in the fight and i am trying to end it but someone that i am fighting with doesn't understand i am trying to end the fight and me i get really upset so i just start up with them when i try to make it better, but sometimes i just want to punch something cause i am trying to end the fight but noo they won't let it go, i mean i do that to sometimes i won't let it go either

Ink said...


I know what you mean.
Sometimes its like some people are deaf.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

i know! i try to reason with my sister, like make a deal with her or something but noo, she still wants to fight then i get blamed for keeping the fight going

Ink said...

I totally know what you mean. You try and try to reason with the person but they just want to keep the fight going!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

yup and when you try to finish it and like okay whatever they just get even more pissed off

Ink said...

Totally! I hate it when people do that!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

it is really annoying, i think that it is pretty funny sometimes cause my sis and i get into fights and don't talk then she comes and says she is sorry but it was all me that should have said sorry

Ink said...

I know! I hate that! Its all like "I did nothing wrong, YOU should be the one saying sorry."


becca[you dazzle me] said...

no actually she says sorry when i did something wrong cause i am very stubborn and she just says sorry sometimes though we get over it and it just fades away, but yeah i don't like doing that either i do that with some friends

Ink said...

My sibs do that to me. The whole thing that I mentioned in my last comment. Then I look like the bad dude all the time for trying to help or whatever.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

yeah i know how you feel, but then since i am the youngest it is hard to understand how you feel

Ink said...

Its just hard to be one of the oldest a lot of the time.
