Thursday, June 7, 2007

You need to check out this blog too!

You small amount of peoples that actually read my little blog need to check out my net friends blog to her name is: Becca[you dazzle me].
Its really great, she has this sweet story that she's writing, and a lot of cool poems, and needs a couple suggestions on some stuff from you peoples!

P.s. Becca, I hope you don't mind my doing this. If so then tell me and I can take it off. : D

68 Ways that we express ourselves to the world:

becca[you dazzle me] said...

thankz that is really sweet of you!! and if you want my s/n just ask and we can talk some more instead of just comments back and forward and i am cool with it ; )

Ink said...

Your welcome!!
Sorry, I'm new at this whole chat abreveation thing, what's a s/n?


becca[you dazzle me] said...

ok hang on, so anywho thank you about the poem and i know i love that song and yeah, we have a whole another week left! talk about stucks! finals all next week! eekkk! anyways s/n = screen name for like aim or something like that if you want to talk on it, you can use aol stuff

Ink said...

No prob!

Oooh, another week? Well, that's not so long! It'll be over sooon!

Sorry, I don't have a screen name. My mom is all anti you-tube, and myspace, and apperently IM too.
I totally would if I had one though!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

omg no way i love you-tube!! any myspace is okay but i only add people i know and jeez that stinks well this is okay we can talk in comments that always works

Ink said...

I would to if my paretns didn't have all these little blocks!

It does! Its sorta like IM if we're on at the same time...


becca[you dazzle me] said...

yeah that is true

Unknown said...

i'll have to go check it out now.


Ink said...

You really do! Go now!!


Ink said...

Becca, Yes it is! I enjoy talking to you! Its cool to have an on-line friend!! : D


becca[you dazzle me] said...

yeah plus i can talk to you about things that my other friends really don't care about that much besides my friend anna,(i love her very much, we known each other for all our lives) she likes to talk about our stories. : ) trust me i love talking to you too

Ink said...

I get what that's like.
Some of my friends really don't care about what I have to say, unless it involves gossip.
I still talk to them but I've learned not to tell them anything that might come back in my face later.
Its hard for me too because I love hearing peoples reactions about all the dumb things that go on with me, I'm very open to telling people things so its hard for me when I know that I shouldn't.

I love talking to you too!
I think that your story is totally cool. Maybe you'll get it published one day! I hope so at least!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

i hope so too, and yes that is exactly how i feel too, i have this one friend her name is kim and she is cool but she pisses me off like no other, it is all one day i am happy the next i am mad at the whole world she is like you cant talk to her about anything serious it have to be funny or she doesn't want to talk about it. i mean it is okay sometimes but sometimes i want to talk about some thing other then i don't even know something really stupid!
i really hope i get it published to

Ink said...

I'm not going to name any names of the peoples that make me mad because well... they know my blog site.
But I have this one friend and if I tell her anything it goes to her other friend to her other friend etc.
It makes me SO MAD because I thought that with friends you didn't have to ask them not to really tell everybody everything you know? Its almost like a friend policy or something.
But no not with her.

I think that would be so cool if you did! I would be all like AAAAHHH (in a good way)!!!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

i know, i had, keyword had, a friend like that you can't tell this girl anything or it is around the whole freaking school in like two seconds! well i just think that they shouldn't tell people something you have only wanted them to know.
and i think it would be so cool to, and i really want it to happen!

Ink said...

Yeah, blah. I don't hate her or anything I just can't tell her anything unless I want it to be in the local newspaper the next day.
I think friends should know not to tell everyone everything you tell them, even if you don't say "Ooh, don't tell anyone" it should just be a natural thing.

I know!! I would go around demanding everyone to read it!! I would love it if that happened!! And it probably will fairly soon!!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

lol (laughing out loud)
but yeah it should be known you don't say anything if your friend tells you something
thanks well you can go around saying that i know this girl (sort of) but yeah and i know that i have one loyal fan!! : )

Ink said...

I don't get why some people don't get that.

We're both each others loyal blogger fans!! YAY!!!!! : D


becca[you dazzle me] said...

most def. (i can't even try on that word i know sad right) well i don't care... : D if you were wondering i am using my kitchen laptop it doesn't really belong to anyone it is just out here

Ink said...

I'm in my basement... with pie!! Mmmmm... pie!!!
This is off subject butt... what's your fav flavor of pie?


becca[you dazzle me] said...

pie...mmmm... i would have to say pumpkin, but my favorite thing for dessert is ice cream... cookie dough (drooling over here) yummmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyy..... what about you?

Ink said...

I love chocolate pie, and this cherry pineapple stuff, and oreo.

I love mint ice cream. My mom says that its like eating toothpaste but I think its like heaven in a spoon.
This is really weird but... I've never gotten around to trying cookie dough ice cream. But now that you said that its so good I'll have to try some whenever I get the chance too!!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

i have never been a big fan of mint, but i really do love cookie dough... yummy!

Ink said...

I'm going to try that stuff ASAP!!

Ugh. I have that stupid song Umbrella stuck in my head. I don't like that song, but whenever I hear like two seconds of it it gets totally stuck in my head! I almost always have some song stuck in my head all the time.
Its weird too, they always alternate through out the day...
but I'm pretty much used to it by now. Once I had Fergiltious stuck in my head for about two days straight. What about you? Does that ever happen to you?


becca[you dazzle me] said...

all the freakin' time, i hate that song the umbrella but my oldest sis loves it, werido, anyways i usually get linkin parks new song stuck in my head, and go go go try the cookie dough!! yummy... sorry lol

Ink said...

I HATE it too!! Do you have their new album? Linkin Park I mean. If so then is it any good?



becca[you dazzle me] said...

no i don't, i really don't have money to buy anything and when i do i go out and buy a book cause well i am crazy but, that is the only song on the new cd i know of

good! cause it is good

Ink said...

Its the only one that I know too.
I don't think that its weird to go out and buy books. I went and bought Uglys and MR3 and blew all my money a couple weeks ago... I guess that if your weird for doing that then I'm weird too!!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

no people that don't buy books and spend most of there money on books are weird we are just the normal people... : )

Ink said...

Yeah, we're totally normal...
: D


becca[you dazzle me] said...

totally ; )

Ink said...

Jeez, I have this whole time limit on the net now. I'm pretty much out of time now, so I guess that I'll probably talk to you tomorrow.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

oh my god what are you going to do from the whole day especially since you are already out of school that really stinks!! i would be so mad! why do you have a time limit anyway?

Ink said...

My parents are just like that. We have one for our PS2 so now we have one for the net.
I know, it totally sucks. Its summer its not like I really have a lot else to do ya know?


becca[you dazzle me] said...

i know that is really stupid it's summer its the time you to hang out and do things and have some fun not set times to have fun

Ink said...

Totally! What can I do though? *sigh*


becca[you dazzle me] said...

true... that does stink, i only have to get off at a cretain time if my sisters or my bro need it but my oldest sis and bro have a laptop and my twin uses the random one upstairs so i am free usually

Ink said...

Not me. Half the time I'm okay, but then someone wants to always get on eventually...


becca[you dazzle me] said...

yeah that is true most of the time my dad just says oh i need it for a couple minutes but i get off all the way cause well since i am still in school i had homework or i had to study so can;t wait for summer i can finish typing full moon and start getting ready for my dreams to come true hopefully... yeah right

Ink said...

It'll happen!! You'll totally get a book published one day!!!!! When you do I'll be first in line for it!!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

well one thing is for sure, i will have to thank you for believing in me and i think you'll have to thank me for believing in you when you become a big singer! and ps i will be the first to buy your cd

Ink said...

Well, thank you for believing in me!!!!!!!!!!!

Good. I can't wait to read more of your stories so post more on your blog please!!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

ok i will, very soon, wait what one? elerson or full moon? cause i can do both or just one or the other i really don't care just tell and it is done!

ps. still in search for that prefect name!

Ink said...

Its doesn't matter to me. Both are great so either one would be awesome.

You're still looking huh? Find any options?


becca[you dazzle me] said...

i will do both but not right now i g2g friends are back bye!

Ink said...



becca[you dazzle me] said...

hi! yeah my friend kim was like what are you doing, so i thought i should go over and watch the rest of the movie with them to warn me of really sick parts i knew they would like barf at, just thinking about some of the parts makes me want to barf

Ink said...

Same here. I can stand like blood, but that's about it. I can't stand guts and barf and missing body parts.
Unless its an alien. Then I'm pretty fine with it.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

well i can stand a certain amount of blood but this movie is so good at making it sound and look real, i mean i seriously thought it could be real until my friend was like it is just a movie it is real!

Ink said...

Ewwww.... I don't really like gory movies.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

i don't mind it that much but that is because i put a pillow in my face during the super glory parts

Ink said...

I do almost the same thing! Pillows just make everything better don't they?
I watched Alien VS. Predator or at least the last hour of it... and it was sort of a freak fest. It was cool but kinda... Ewww...


becca[you dazzle me] said...

yeah they do besides when someone, not naming anyone, anna, thinks it is fun to have a really violent attack on me cause i "made" her watch a movie even though she wanted to see it too, anywho

i have never seen that movie, my bro rented it once but i didn't watch it

Ink said...

Its really a gross one. Like I said I only caught like an hour of it, I liked it but it was pretty tense and gross.


becca[you dazzle me] said...


yeah sounds like a movie that would stress me out, yeah never going to watch it so that is okay! : )

Ink said...


It stressed me a little too. It was cool... but eww...


becca[you dazzle me] said...

haha, nice, i don't know i am not a big fan of alien like movies, i mean i will watch them but yeahh

i can't watch scary movies though i freak out way to much!

Ink said...

Me too! I freaked out the first time I watched Zathura so horror movies wouldn't be the best for me.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

i have never heard of that movie, but my friend j-me loves scary movies so she intv. me to go see grudge two with her and like two other people so i went and had my coat in front of my face the whole movie and clutching onto her, yeah i can't deal with a lot of scary movies, after them i have to go home and watch a comedy

Ink said...

Its a kid movie. I'm the second oldest out of five, so we have to watch PG sometimes, I just don't like robots and there was one in that movie trying to kill a kid so... yeah.

Oooh! I could never watch movies like that! I don't do scary movies very well!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

yeah i kind of get where you are coming from, i sometimes go and see PG movies cause well they look good and others are just like omg you got to be kidding me!!

then yeah i can watch them sort of but i will have to watch a funny movie afterward but my friend she loves scary movies, werido : )

Ink said...

I know! Have you seen Finding Nemo? I can't really wrap my head around the fact that they put that whole barricuta scene in there! That would have totally scared the CRAP out of me when I was little!

I LOVE comedy! i was just watching Hitch yesterday for the first time and LOVED IT!!
I didn't get to watch all of it though... I had something going on.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

i love finding nemo, since it is like a strange town i live in my whole class had this weird obsession with the movie, it was kind of scary, then last year our float for homecoming was Nemo, yeah...strange

anyways i love comedy laughing is fun, and that is a really good movie! i saw it once and forgot how it ended.

Ink said...

I think its a cute movie. But I get sick of it more then the classics.

I didn't get to finish it! I'm still mad about that!


becca[you dazzle me] said...

yeah after a week of watching it ever night and the fact i could react the whole movie it gets annoying! but yeah i hate when you can't finish movies

Ink said...

I think its a cute movie... just a little annoying.

I'm still waiting for it to come on again so I can record it.


becca[you dazzle me] said...

yeah, well i like it in all but after a while it gets annoying, me and my sis did that with ice age, we watched it for like two weeks straight and i knew all the lines pretty much

Ink said...

I watched George of the Jungle like a million times when I was like 8. My sis and her friend were watching it a couple days ago and I was like quoting lines off the top of my head.
And I haven't seen that movie in FOREVER, so it was a little weird.
But cool at the same time.
